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RUSH HOUR an interaction between man and machine based on the finding that it is impossible to generally define how humans understand the notion of time and their relationship towards it.


Together with her team, three performers and two musicians, the choreographer focused on the phenomenon of the so called RUSH HOUR. A joint analysis of the understanding of time, perception of time and the meaning of time revealed what the West presently defines as its predominating attitude towards life: A high-speed life in which the individual has to permanently fulfil excessive demands. In this moment the energy is stuck which leads to physical stillness while the neurons/synapses are hyper-active.In RUSH HOUR, Ceren Oran and her team find different ways to make the audience experience the fact that humans are seemingly unable to live and develop without individual challenges and thus need to continuously cross (personal) borders.  


Ultimately, RUSH HOUR is an interaction between man and machine based on the finding that it is impossible to generally define how humans understand the notion of time and their relationship towards it. This is why RUSH HOUR offers a composition of personal contributions about what the artists felt, experienced and observed in their life in terms of time.


Who can still be aware of others when each step becomes increasingly more cumbersome or dangerous? To where does the gaze wander when the marching direction fails to change? What happens to your own mind-set when you constantly move? What kind of impact does stress have on our societal and personal relationships? What do we need to counteract the general "higher, faster, further"? Is this (at all) necessary?


Rush Hour is a production by Ceren Oran which is funded by the Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München [Department of Arts and Culture/City of Munich] and the  Bayerischen Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) [Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT)] with the friendly assistance of Tanzbüro München. Ceren Oran is a member of Tanztendenz München.

Concept, Artistic Direction, Choreography: Ceren Oran

Performers: Daphna Horenczyk, Jaroslav Ondrus, Çaglar Yigitogullari

Music: Hüseyin Evirgen

Live Saxophone: Simon Couratier

Stage: Empfangshalle München

Dramaturgy: Sarah Israel

Light Design: Rainer Ludwig

Production Management: Tanzbüro München

Production Assistant: Maria Casalez Gonzales


Premiere: Thursday, 22 June 2017, Schwere Reiter. 


Guest Performances:

White Box München (Fleisch und Stein Exhibition by Cagla Ilk)



“The reduced stage set houses the large strength and deep interpretational work of this performance. The treadmills can be perceived as metaphors for both time and space as they move forward continuously and are limited in size. They offer room for only a few steps. However, this small world is enough for the three performers Caglar Yigitogullari, Daphna Horenczyk and Jaroslav Ondrus. They are effortlessly able to perform therein and charge it up. In "Rush Hour" they process their personal experiences with stress, little time on their hands, excessive demands and major challenges.

Ceren Oran wrote the concept for "Rush Hour" together with her three wonderful performers and all three might be united in some images, but they still narrate their own story of excessive demand (...).

The most impressive image on this meagre stage however is what characterises our digitalised, machined and rushing society best: electricity. Today, we are nothing without electricity (...) "Rush Hour" ends after precisely one hour, time was understood in its literal sense and one is one's own propulsion again. Shame, actually, as this "Rush Hour" was fantastic. “, Natalie Broschat, June 2017


„Three performers united with two musicians to analyse why society is fascinated by speed and a fast pace. To this end, they use a very visible metaphor to visualise the phenomenon that time rushes by. The performance "Rush Hour" lasts for almost an hour and is very physical. Oran set up three treadmills which point to the centre of the room. They were prepared with light rails and the security settings were annulled. “  AbendZeitung Vesna Mlakar June 2017

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